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Bureau of Energy Efficiency
Сводный обзор: 
This document provides for the Schemes for Promoting Energy Efficiency in India during XI Plan. It addresses the following topics: "Bachat Lamp Yojana"; Standards and Labelling; Energy Conservation Building Codes; Agricultural (Ag DSM) Scheme; the BEE’s Program for Enhancing Energy Efficiency in SME Sector; Strengthening Institutional Capacity of SDAs (State Desginated Authorities) Scheme; Contribution to State Energy Conservation Fund (SECF) Scheme; National Energy Conservation Awards, 2010;Painting Competition on Energy Conservation, 2010; National Certification Examination for Energy Managers and Energy Auditors; National Mission for Enhanced Energy Efficiency (NMEEE); International Co-operation Programmes.---Note: Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE)/Rural Demand Side Management (DSM) Technical Assistance (TA) (Asia Development Bank; ADB)
EE action plans: 
The "Bachat Lamp Yojana" aims at the large scale replacement of incandescent bulbs in households by CFLs. It seeks to provide CFLs to households at the price similar to that of incandescent bulbs and plans to utilize the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) of the Kyoto Protocol to recover the cost differential between the market price of the CFLs and the price at which they are sold to households. The “Bachat Lamp Yojana” is designed as a public-private partnership between the Government of India, private sector CFL suppliers and State level Electricity Distribution Companies (DISCOMs). The CFL suppliers would distribute high quality CFLs to households at a price of Rs. 15 per CFL within a designated project area in a DISCOM region of operation.[…] Under the scheme 40 watt, 60 Watt and 100 Watt incandescent Lamps will be replaced with 9-11Watt, 13- 15 Watt and 20 - 23 Watt CFLs respectively. BEE will monitor the electricity savings in each project area in accordance with the monitoring methodology prescribed by the Executive Board of the CDM.
EE standards for appliances: 
The Standards and labelling programme for end use appliances and equipment’s provides for self-certification by the manufacturers based on the standards issued by the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), STAR rating, ranging from 1-5 in the increasing order of energy efficiency. The scheme has been developed in collaboration with all the stakeholders, and aims at providing information on energy so that consumers can make informed decisions while purchasing appliances. [...] The equipment’s presently under labeling phase are: 1. Frost Free Refrigerator (Mandatory Labeling) 2. Tubular Florescent Lamps (Mandatory Labeling) 3. Room Air-conditioners (Mandatory Labeling) 4. Distribution Transformers (Mandatory Labeling) 5. Direct Cool Refrigerator 6. Induction Motors 7. Agricultural Pump Sets 8. Ceiling Fans 9. LPG Stoves 10. Electric Geysers 11. Colour TV 12. Washing Machine
EE labeling: 
The bureau will verify the label contents, and the manner of display of label for each equipment/model on a regular basis. One such label verifications study was completed during the year 2008-09 and the results have demonstrated strict compliance to the programme.
EE building standards: 
[...] BEE is conducting training workshops covering all aspects of the code to sensitize the various government departments/professionals on the requirements of the code [...] with the objective to sensitize architects/developer/design professional/students/consultants on the code requirements and promote energy efficient buildings. ---The Bureau of Energy Efficiency has developed a Star Rating Programme for Office buildings and BPO buildings which is based on actual performance of the building, in terms of specific energy usage (in KWH/sq m/year). This Programme rates buildings on a 1-5 star scale, with 5 Star labelled buildings being the most energy efficient.
EE financial incentives: 
Technical assistance on energy efficiency components- financial support of EURO 6.1 million.
EE public awareness/promotional programmes: 
Ministry of Power has undertaken National Campaign on energy Conservation 2010. Under this campaign, a painting competition on energy conservation 2008 at School, State and National level are conducted. 47155 Schools and 15.63 lakhs students of 4th, 5th and 6th standards of the 36 States and Union Territories Participated in the School Level Painting Competition.
Investment climate development: 
To work jointly to promote energy efficiency, energy conservation and power plant optimization in co-operation with BEE, CEA and SDAs; French Agency for Development (AFD) Energy efficiency Programme: ODA assistance to support programmes on energy, Clean Development and climate change with respect to energy efficiency.
Public Private Partnerships: 
The “Bachat Lamp Yojana” is designed as a public-private partnership between the Government of India, private sector CFL suppliers and State level Electricity Distribution Companies (DISCOMs). The CFL suppliers would distribute high quality CFLs to households at a price of Rs. 15 per CFL within a designated project area in a DISCOM region of operation.
Деятельность органов власти
National policy structure: 
In order to institutionalize energy conservation efforts in the country, the Government has passed the Energy Conservation Act in 2001, and established the Bureau of Energy Efficiency, under Ministry of Power, Government of India, on 1st March 2002 to promote the efficient use of energy and its conservation.
Clean energy technology transfer: 
IGEN: Indo-German Energy Programme; Technical assistance on energy efficiency components- financial support of EURO 6.1 million; Technical Assistance on Power Plant Optimization; To work jointly to promote energy efficiency, energy conservation and power plant optimization in co-operation with BEE, CEA and SDAs ; “USAID- Energy Conservation and Commercialization (ECO) Project.--- To enhance commercial viability and performance of Indian energy sector; To promote utilization of clean and energy efficient technology in the sector; Energy Efficiency Action Plan; Implementation of ECBC; Energy Efficiency in Existing buildings and municipalities; Technical assistance to utility sponsored energy efficiency initiative; Education Curriculum and professional training” ; “Indo-France-ADEME--- Exchange information on Policies, programmes and technologies relating to Energy Efficiency and demand side management” ; ---- 3 phase technical assistance to support clean power generation technology transfer; Advancement of Technical Assistance (TA) has been taken up with the Asia Development Bank (ADB) though Department of Economic Affairs (DEA).
Technology collaboration with other member States: 
IGEN: Indo-German Energy Programme; Technical assistance on energy efficiency components- financial support of EURO 6.1 million; Technical Assistance on Power Plant Optimization; To work jointly to promote energy efficiency, energy conservation and power plant optimization in co-operation with BEE, CEA and SDAs ; “USAID- Energy Conservation and Commercialization (ECO) Project.--- “Indo-EU Joint Study:Assessment of available Technology and technology know how; Harmonize methodologies with the tools used in Eco-design directives; Harmonizing test procedures for the equipment’s and appliances; Exchange documentation and the envisaged study on eco-design; Assess the difference between standards, testing procedures and the laboratory accrediting procedures.