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Department of Environment and Conservation
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Сводный обзор: 
The Environment Act provides for and gives effect to the National Goals and Directive Principles (a) to provide for protection of the environment in accordance with the Fourth National Goal and Directive Principle (National Resources and Environment) of the Constitution; and (b) to regulate the environment impacts of development activities in order to promote sustainable development of the environment and the economic, social and physical well-being of people by safeguarding the life-supporting capacity of air, water, soil and ecosystems for present and future generations and avoiding, remedying and mitigating any adverse effects of activities on the environment; and (c) to provide for the protection of the environment from environmental harm; (d) to provide for the management of national water resources and the responsibility for their management. In particular, it provides the administrative mechanism to evaluate impacts on the environment through an environmental approval and permitting system. In May 2010, the Act was amended, restricting landowners' rights for projects ruled to be of “national interest.” Current efforts under the new Government are being made to repeal certain sections of the Amendment (January 2012).
Energy environmental priorities: 
A person who unlawfully causes an environmental harm by – [...] (b) an unhealthy, offensive or unsightly condition because of a contaminant; [...] is guilty of an offence. [contaminant” means –(a) a gas, liquid, or solid; [...] or (d) energy, including noise, heat, radioactivity and electromagnetic radiation; [...] ].
Деятельность органов власти
National policy structure: 
AN ACT entitled Environment Act 2000, Being an Act to provide for and give effect to the National Goals and Directive Principles and in particular – (a) to provide for protection of the environment in accordance with the Fourth National Goal and Directive Principle (National Resources and Environment) of the Constitution; and (b) to regulate the environment impacts of development activities in order to promote sustainable development of the environment and the economic, social and physical well-being of people by safeguarding the life-supporting capacity of air, water, soil and ecosystems for present and future generations and avoiding, remedying and mitigating any adverse effects of activities on the environment; and (c) to provide for the protection of the environment from environmental harm; (d) to provide for the management of national water resources and the responsibility for their management; and (e) to repeal various Acts, and for other related purposes, [...]