Meta Data Проект документа: NoПересмотр более раннего документа?: YesГод вступления в силу: 2012Виды актов по количеству участников: NationalТип документа: ActЭкономический сектор: OtherВиды энергоресурсов: All, OtherПодготовлен: National ParliamentИсточник: National ParliamentСсылка на документ: Environment (Amendment) Act 2012Сводный обзор: The Environment (Amendment) Act 2012 amends and repeals some of the provisions of the Environmental Act 2000. Related Documents Other policies that are related to this one. Environmental Act 2000 (Act No. 64 of 2000)Environment (Amendment) Act 2014 (Act No. 10 of 2014)Environment (Amendment) Act 2015 (Act No. 49 of 2015) Full Document Text No. 1 of 2012.Environment (Amendment) Act 2012.Certified on 21 FEB 2012 No. 1 of 2012.Environment (Amendment) Act 2012.ARRANGEMENT OF SECTIONS.Interpretation (Amendment of Section 2).Repeal. AN ACTentitledEnvironment (Amendment) Act 2012.Being an Act to amend the Environment Act 2000and to repeal the Environment (Amendment) Act 2010 and for related purposes,MADE by the National Parliament.1. INTERPRETATION (AMENDMENT OF SECTION 2).Section 2 of the Principal Act is amended by repealing the following definitions:(a) "Amendment Commencement Date"; and (b) "Authorisation Instrument"; and (c)"Supplementary Approval".2. REPEAL.(1) Sections 69A, 69B, 87A, 87B, 87C, 87D and 87E of the Principal Act are repealed.(2) The Environment (Amendment) Act 2010 (No. 6 of 2010) is hereby repealed.I hereby certify that the above is a fair print of Environment (Amendment) Act 2012 which has been made by the National Parliament.Clerk of the National Parliament.2 | FEB 2012 I hereby certify that the Environment (Amendment) Act 2012 was made by the Nationål Parliament on 19 January 2012.