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Energy, Power, Industry, Transport, Building, Multi-Sector, Other
Виды энергоресурсов: 
Power, Renewable, Bioenergy, Geothermal, Hydropower, Solar, Wind, Other
The Ministry of Economy
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Сводный обзор: 
The Fiji NDC Implementation Roadmap 2017-2030 aims to provide a temporal pathway for the implementation of mitigation actions needed to achieve the transformation called for under the Fiji’s NDC. The objective of the Roadmap is to reach the target defined in Fiji’s NDC to reduce 30% of BAU CO2 emissions from the energy sector by 2030.
EE action plans: 
3.3 Sub-Sector Electricity Demand-Side Energy Efficiency [...] Short- and Medium-Term Mitigation Actions (2017-2025) • D1: Energy Labelling and Minimum Energy Performance Standards • D2: Energy Efficiency in the Business Community (including Sustainable Tourism) • D3: Energy Efficiency in the Public Sector • D4: Updated Codes and Standards for Buildings.
EE transport standards : 
3.4 Sub-Sector Transport (Land and Maritime) [...] Short-Term Actions (2017-2020) • T1: Vehicle Replacement Programme (including Hybrid vehicles + Scrappage) o Buses, Taxis, Private Cars • T2: Vehicle Replacement Programme (including Scrappage) o Lorries (<16t), Minibuses Medium-Term Actions (2021-2025) • T3: B5 Fuel (5% Biofuel in Diesel) • T4: Improved Maintenance for Sea Vessels • T5: Fuel Efficient Outboard Motors
Renewable Energy
Tradeable REC: 
The Ministry of Economy (MOE) is working with the Reserve Bank of Fiji and the International Finance Corporation to launch these bonds with “green bond certification” before the COP23 meeting.
RE capital subsidy, grant, or rebate: 
The GOF has established several incremental financial support incentives to increase the inclusion of renewable energy in power generation, the uptake of energy efficiency vehicles, and improvements for energy efficiency in electricity consumption. An example of an incentive is higher power purchase tariffs for renewable energy IPPs, as well as tax incentives, which in 2017 include, but are not limited to, the following (FRCA, 2016): • Corporate tax wavers for electric vehicle charging stations, bio-fuel production, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs), and tax-free regions • Duty concessions on equipment for renewable energy in power generation, electric vehicle charging stations, hybrid vehicles, and spare parts for ships • Direct subsidy on low emissions diesel bus operators • Investment deduction in forestry investing • Investment allowance in capital expenditures for hotels • Duty concessions for new hybrid vehicles.
Public investment loans or grants: 
FDB Green Lending Fiji has established the FDB as an accredited entity to the Green Climate Fund (GCF). The completion of the accreditation process for FDB ensures that Fiji has more direct access to GCF funds for climate change mitigation and adaptation projects. This will create opportunities not only for the Fijian private sector, the GOF, and state-owned enterprises, but also for the FDB who can serve the region through green lending products that constitute the concessional terms of the GCF.
GHG emissions reduction targets: 
[...] the annual GHG mitigation achieved via the mitigation actions in the energy sector, which is expected to be 627,000 tCO2 against the BAU baseline in 2030. The total investment costs in the energy sector to achieve this level of GHG mitigation is estimated to be US$ 2.97 billion between 2017–2030, plus the estimated US$ 119 million already invested between 2014-2017.
Pollution control action plans: 
3.2 Sub-Sector Electricity Generation and Transmission [...] Short-Term Mitigation Actions (2017-2020) • E1: Grid Extension and Improvements (1445km grid) • E2: Increased RE Power Generation (32MWp solar PV, 12 MW biomass) • E3: Increased Sustainable Biomass for fuel use (14,000 ha) Medium-Term Mitigation Actions (2021-2025) • E4: Grid Extension and Improvements (926km grid + 14 MWh grid storage) • E5: Increased RE Power Generation (26MWp solar PV, 84 MW hydro, 28 MW biomass/Waste to Energy, WTE). • E6: Increased Sustainable Biomass for fuel use (5,000 ha) Long-Term Mitigation Actions (2026-2030) • E7: Grid Extension and Improvements (25km grid + 148 MWh grid storage) • E8: Increased RE Power Generation (69MWp solar PV, 25 MW biomass/biogas) • E9: Increased Sustainable Biomass for Fuel Use (14,000 ha).