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Energy, Power
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All, Power, Other
Ministry of Power
Сводный обзор: 
The Energy Conservation (Partial Risk Guarantee Fund for Energy Efficiency) Rules, 2016 aim to address the debt related issues in financing energy efficiency projects through the Partial Risk Guarantee Fund for Energy Efficiency (PRGFEE). PRGFEE is a risk sharing mechanism to provide Participating financial institutions (PFIs) with a partial coverage of risk involved in extending loans for EE projects. PRGFEE guarantees 50% of loan amount or Rs. 10 crore per projects, whichever is less. PRGFEE support has been provided to government buildings, private buildings (commercial or multi-storey residential buildings), municipalities, SMEs and industries. This guarantee is extended to financial institutions which will extend loans to ESCOs for implementing EE projects.
Energy Service Companies (ESCOs): 
The Bureau shall establish a Partial Risk Guarantee Fund for Energy Efficiency for providing Partial Risk Guarantee to the financing of energy efficiency projects proposed by the energy service companies.
EE financial incentives: 
(5) For the purpose of the Fund – (a) the Bureau shall charge guarantee fee and application fee; (b) application fee shall be of the maximum guaranteed amount applied for by the participating financial institution at the time of application which shall be non-refundable; (c) the guarantee fee shall be one-time fee of the amount guaranteed for each project which shall be payable after approval and before signing of guarantee agreement. The Fund shall give a guarantee for a maximum fifty percent of the loan , only principal amount actually disbursed, provided by the participating financial institution and in case of default, the fund shall - (a) cover the first loss subject to maximum of ten percent of the total guaranteed amount; (b) cover the remaining default outstanding principal amount actually disbursed amount on paripassu basis upto the maximum guaranteed amount.