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Energy, Power
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Oil, Power, Renewable, Solar, Other
Government of Nauru
Ссылка на документ: 
Сводный обзор: 
The National Sustainable Development Strategy (NSDS) 2019-2030 (Revised 2019) focuses on the National Vision, National Development Priorities and National Development Goals and lays the foundation for the implementation of the NSDS through the design of the Medium Term Strategic Framework of 5-years duration which will contain actual programmes and activities which are to be implemented. The activities shall be revised and updated every 5 years within the longer-term framework of the NSDS.The NSDS lays out the roadmaps towards transformative change and is aligned to broader international goals such as the SAMOA Pathway, the Paris Agreement and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
Energy Supply and Infrastructure
Energy supply priorities: 
The review of the NSDS undertaken by the TWG with the communities and sectoral consultations, in conjunction with situation analysis of the NSDS progress of implementation, identified the following key national priorities: [...] There is a need to upgrade infrastructure, increase efficiency, secure the benefits of renewable energy, [...]Given that Nauru is dependent on fossil fuel, especially in the transport sector, there has been high-level political support for improving energy sustainability and the government had set a target of achieving 50% renewable energy by 2015. This was not achieved. Like many small island states in the Pacific, Nauru is vulnerable to global fuel price movements. An increasing population will increase future fuel demands, adding pressure to the energy sector. Extreme weather events and sea-level rise can threaten energy related infrastructure.