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Energy, Power, Transport
Виды энергоресурсов: 
Power, Renewable, Solar, Wind, Other
Nauru Government, Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning
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Сводный обзор: 
Nauru announced the National Sustainable Development Strategy (NSDS) in 2005. The objective of the NSDS is captured in the people's vision for development and is stated as: “A future where individual, community, business and government partnerships contribute to a sustainable quality of life for all Nauruans”. Through the NSDS and for the first time ever, Nauru came together as a nation and created for itself a vision for the future. The current review of the NSDS shows improvements from all sectors of the economy. With regard to infrastructure, power is more reliable and used more efficiently.
Energy access priorities: 
Provide a reliable, affordable, secure and sustainable energy supply to meet socio-economic development needs.
Energy access targets: 
Electricity power supplied to all users (households and businesses) 24/7 and at affordable cost; Power generation capacity sufficient to meet domestic demand - by 2012.
Energy service quality targets: 
No or very little power outages occurring particularly failures caused by equipment malfunctioning or technical / human error - by 2025.---Electricity power supplied to all users (households and businesses) 24/7 and at affordable cost.
Приоритеты ЭЭ: 
Strategies: Implement National Energy Policy Framework (NEPF) addressing: (iii) Management of demand focusing on consumption efficiency and conservation.
EE targets: 
Electricity power demand reduced by 30 percent through increased consumption efficiency and conservation measures (e.g. as evidenced by prepaid meters installation) - by 2012./Electricity power demand reductions maintained at least 30 percent levels - by 2015./Electricity losses and leakage reduced to less than 10 percent of power production and distribution through efficiency improvements - by 2015. ---Cost of total fuel consumption resulting from inter alia efficiency gains decreased by 30 percent - by 2025.
EE public awareness/promotional programmes: 
Energy efficiency and conservation and renewable energy principles incorporated into school educational and community programs - by 2015. --- Individual consumers and businesses more knowledgeable about conserving power and technology application - by 2025.
Renewable Energy
RE priorities: 
The current way in which electricity and water services are delivered in not sustainable for Nauru. Urgent measures need to be taken to upgrade infrastructure, raise efficiency, secure the benefits of renewable energy [...]. --- Strategies: Implement National Energy Policy Framework (NEPF) addressing: (iv) increased use of renewable energy and other alternative forms of energy.
RE targets: 
Total energy supplied from fossil fuel decreased by 50 percent - by 2015. --- Renewable energy comprised 50 percent of total energy supply in Nauru; Wind power energy piloted in Nauru for wider application - by 2015.
RE action plans: 
Infrastructure Sectors: 1. Provision of enhanced utilities and transport services including the increased use of renewable energy, power (non-diesel generation i.e. OTEC and solar).---Use of renewable energy and solar photovoltaic promoted widely and implemented Wind power feasibility study completed and its findings/recommendations implemented - by 2012.
Energy environmental priorities: 
Goal 7: Ensure environmental sustainability: Sustainable management of natural resources, covering [...] energy including renewable energy issues needs strengthening.
Energy Supply and Infrastructure
Infrastructure development priorities: 
Long-term goals: Provision of enhanced social, infrastructure and utilities services. --- Infrastructure Sectors: 1. Provision of enhanced utilities and transport services including the increased use of renewable energy, power (non-diesel generation i.e. OTEC and solar). --- Infrastructure Sector Goals: Provide a reliable, affordable, secure and sustainable energy supply to meet socio-economic development needs. --- Power utility and distribution infrastructure maintained to meet international safety standards - by 2012. --- Fuel storage and distribution infrastructure maintained to meet international safety standards - by 2015. --- No or very little power outages occurring particularly failures caused by equipment malfunctioning or technical / human error - by 2025.
Regional integration priorities: 
Strategies: Implement National Energy Policy Framework (NEPF) addressing: (i) cost effective, secure and sustainable procurement and supply of fuel.
Standard power production and purchasing agreements: 
A reliable fuel supply contract maintained and fuel bulk procurement arrangements and long term sustainable options developed - by 2012. --- Fuel bulk procurement agreement secured and maintained - by 2015.
Деятельность органов власти
National policy structure: 
Strategies: Implement National Energy Policy Framework (NEPF) addressing: (i) cost effective, secure and sustainable procurement and supply of fuel; (ii) reliable and efficient energy supply and distribution; (iii) Management of demand focusing on consumption efficiency and conservation; (iv) increased use of renewable energy and other alternative forms of energy. --- NEPF policy review and updating coordinated by department of environment - by 2015.
Energy institutional structures: 
Coordination mechanisms such as the coordination policy committees for water, energy and climate change, and waste effective and functional - by 2015.
M&E of policy implementation: 
Monitoring implementation of NEPF conducted by CIE; NUA status as an autonomous entity clarified through regulation or policy - by 2012. --- Implementation and monitoring of NEPF undertaken successfully - by 2025.
R&D renewable energy: 
Other alternative forms of energy explored and their feasibility examined - by 2025.