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Title in national language: 
Закон Кыргызской Республики от 2 июля 1997 года №42 "О недрах" (в ред. от 09.08.2012 г.)
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Виды энергоресурсов: 
Coal, Oil, Gas
Parliament of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan
No official English translation available
Ссылка на документ: 
Сводный обзор: 
Legal frameworks for the development and exploration of mineral resources in the Republic of Kyrgyzstan are set by the present policy document enforced by the Parliament in 1997. Repealed in 2012.
Land use change for energy production purposes: 
Art. 16. Land grants for the exploration of gold, oil and gas resources shall be provided on a competitive basis.
Деятельность органов власти
Energy management principles: 
Article 4. Ownership of subsoil The subsoils of the Kyrgyz Republic are the exclusive property of the Kyrgyz Republic and are under special protection of the state. The State Subsoil Fund includes used and unused subsoil plots within the state borders of the Kyrgyz Republic.
National policy structure: 
The Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "On Subsoil" (hereinafter referred to as this Law) operates throughout the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic and regulates relations arising from the use of subsoil by the state with individuals and legal entities, as well as with other states.
Energy institutional structures: 
Article 5. Powers of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic The Government of the Kyrgyz Republic manages the state subsoil fund directly through the state subsoil use bodies through: 1) development and implementation of state policy in the study and development of mineral resources; 2) development of mining entrepreneurship and implementation of antimonopoly policy; 3) ensuring the functioning of the state licensing system, monitoring compliance with licensing conditions and the requirements of subsoil legislation; 4) development and improvement of the system of paid subsoil use, study of the situation on the markets of mineral raw materials and commercial products; 5) development and implementation of an investment policy in subsoil use, attracting investments for geological exploration of subsoil and mining; 6) taking into account the state of exploration of the subsoil, expertise, movement and repayment of explored mineral reserves; 7) formation, development and management of the state subsoil fund; 8) substantiation of the state order for the geological study of subsoil, financed from budgetary funds; 9) development of regulatory and methodological provisions, rules, regulations, technological standards for subsoil use; 10) control over the use and protection of subsoil during geological exploration and industrial development of subsoil; 11) expertise of geological exploration and mining projects in terms of the use and protection of subsoil, environmental and technical safety with the involvement of experts from specialized institutions of the republic and, if necessary, independent experts from international organizations; 12) supervision over the provision of technical safety in the production of geological exploration and mining operations related to the use of subsoil; 13) introduction of restrictions on the use of subsoil in certain areas to ensure national security and environmental protection; 14) resolution of disputes on subsoil use issues.