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Title in national language: 
Национальная стратегия устойчивого развития Кыргызской Республики на период 2013-2017 гг.
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Тип документа: 
Экономический сектор: 
Energy, Power, Industry, Transport, Multi-Sector
Виды энергоресурсов: 
All, Power, Renewable, Bioenergy, Geothermal, Hydropower, Solar, Wind, Other
National Council for Sustainable Development of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan
Сводный обзор: 
The strategy adopted pursuant to the Presidential Decree of 21 January 2013 outlines ways to transform the national development landscape, aims to harness Kyrgyzstan’s energy, agricultural, industrial, financial and other resources for inclusive and sustainable growth. The policy is composed of twelve chapters, specifically 1) Existing challenges; 2) A state governed by the rule of law; 3) Unity of the nation as a means for strengthening statehood and a prerequisite for sustainable development; 4) Resolving social issues; 5) Protection of the environment; 6) Economic growth as a means to ensure national security; 7) Macroeconomic sustainability; 8) Improving business and investment environment; 9) Development of the financial sector; 10) Development of the key sectors of national economy; 11) Economic development at the regional level; and 12) National investment projects. Article 10.2 concentrates on energy-related issues. ---- Given the strategic importance of the energy sector for the economy of Kyrgyzstan, considering positive association between the development of the energy sector (more specifically, hydropower accounting for 52.6 per cent of total electricity generation) and economic and social prosperity, the Strategy prioritizes the development of the sector in the medium and long-term perspective. The sector accounts for 2 per cent of the national GDP, for 16 per cent of industrial output, and for 10 per cent of the state budget revenues.
EE targets: 
Objectives include catalyzing concrete actions to increase conservation of energy in the Republic, targets are set to reduce loss of energy to 12 percent.
EE action plans: 
Art. 10.2. Stated objectives: improve conservation of energy in households, introduce EE norms and standards contributing to improvement of energy conservation at the national level.
Renewable Energy
RE priorities: 
Art. 10.2. The policy stresses the need for increasing the deployment of renewable sources of energy: solar, wind, geothermal, and bioenergy, primarily aims to harness the potential of Kyrgyzstan’s hydropower resources estimated at 142.5 billion kWh. --- The proposed measures are expected to generate broad-based economic benefits through the deployment of renewable energy. --- The Strategy stresses the need for modernization of existing hydropower generation capacities.
Energy environmental priorities: 
Art. 5.2 states that the existing pattern of economic growth is ultimately unsustainable. The policy brings to the fore existing challenges, more specifically: 1) environmental issues and depletion of natural resources, climate change associated with adverse human-induced impacts and greenhouse gas emissions, pollution with hazardous chemical substances, loss of biodiversity, degradation of agricultural lands, water scarcity. Remarkable transformations are required to mitigate poverty and rising inequality, threats to food and energy security are addressed in the document specifically. Efforts will be taken to diversify the national economy away from natural resources-heavy industries. --- In the context of green economy, the policy underscores the need for transition towards a low-carbon and resources-efficient model of growth based on the sustainable use of natural resources and the promotion of low-waste / zero-waste production and consumption technologies.
Decarbonization strategy: 
Transition towards a low-carbon energy system implies regulatory efforts for increasing conservation of resources, introduction of schemes for protection of the environment giving due consideration to local, regional and global sustainable development priorities.
Energy taxation: 
Multifaceted measures aim to[...] support implementation of a balanced tariff policy;
Energy Supply and Infrastructure
Infrastructure development priorities: 
The policy stresses the need for increasing the deployment of renewable sources of energy: solar, wind, geothermal, and bioenergy [...].---Construction of the Kambarata-1 HPP and the Upper Naryn Cascade of HPPs will be commenced and continued for the Kambarata-2 HPP project. Feasibility study shall be carried out for the construction of HPPs cascade on the Sary Jaz River. With a view to ensure independence of the national power grid system, plans are developed for the construction of the 500/220/35 kV Datka substation in the south of the country, Kemin substation in the northern part of Kyrgyzstan, 500 kV Datka-Kemin transmission line (410 km). Feasibility study will be prepared to assess the potential for construction of the high-voltage 500kV Kemin-Almaty transmission line, 500 kV Kyrgyzstan-China transmission line and the 500 kV Datka-Khudjland transmission line (CASA-1000 Project).
Cross-border energy infrastructure: 
Feasibility study will be prepared to assess the potential for construction of the high-voltage 500kV Kemin-Almaty transmission line, 500 kV Kyrgyzstan-China transmission line and the 500 kV Datka-Khudjland transmission line (CASA-1000 Project).
Regional integration priorities: 
Feasibility study will be prepared to assess the potential for construction of the high-voltage 500kV Kemin-Almaty transmission line, 500 kV Kyrgyzstan-China transmission line and the 500 kV Datka-Khudjland transmission line (CASA-1000 Project).
Energy sector investment priorities: 
With a view to pursue action-oriented investment strategy to transform development, the policy highlights the following priorities: 1) reduce the consumption of natural resources and levels of pollution, and 2) accelerate economic growth through modernization and improvement of technologies, introduction of low-waste and resource-conserving industrial processes. The policy envisages deep structural reforms of the national economy, proposes steps towards resources-conserving and high-technology processes. --- It is deemed necessary to take inventory of investment agreements and revoke all licenses issued for the development of coal /oil and gas deposits in case licensees fail to meet the requirements of license agreements.---- Multifaceted measures aim to [...] enable favorable conditions for attracting investments in hydropower projects.
Public Private Partnerships: 
Multi-stakeholder approach is applied with an aim to improve coordination between Government institutions and business.
Деятельность органов власти
Energy management principles: 
The primary objective of the policy document is to ensure energy security of the Kyrgyz Republic through enhancement of the national energy sector along with that develop export opportunities. Multifaceted measures aim to 1) ensure reliable and uninterrupted supply of power to domestic consumers, 2) support implementation of a balanced tariff policy; 3) achieve reduction in losses, both technical and commercial; 4) improve financial and corporate governance in the energy sector; 5) ensure profitability of the sector; 6) improve competitiveness of the national power sector at the regional level; 7) enable favorable conditions for attracting investments in hydropower projects.