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Energy, Power, Multi-Sector
Виды энергоресурсов: 
Power, Renewable, Bioenergy, Geothermal, Hydropower, Solar, Wind, Other
Ministry of National Planning
Ссылка на документ: 
Сводный обзор: 
The Roadmap for Democracy and Sustainable Socio-Economic Development 2010-2014 addresses reforms and sectoral policy mix that are needed to successfully deliver on the mandate handed down by His Excellency the President in 2007. It is the result of consultations with key stakeholders, including private sector, civil society and public sector, and takes into account the current political, social and economic developments, both on the domestic and international fronts. Different reforms will be implemented under the Roadmap, such as electoral and parliamentary reforms, public service reforms, land reforms, and reforms in the education and health sectors.
Bi-, multi-lateral mechanisms to expand access: 
Key performance indicator: Secure additional and new funding sources with donor agencies.
Energy access action plan: 
--- A specific Power Development Plan is put in place for Vanua Levu.
Приоритеты ЭЭ: 
In terms of final energy consumption [...] Some of the important measures that have been identified to address the situation are outlined; i) addressing consumption of our transport sector through the development and use of bio-fuels locally and other legislative measures; ii) diversifying the current energy mix through the use of LPG in the industrial, transport and domestic sectors; and iii) improving the efficiency of energy use in all sectors of our economy. --- Reduce inefficient use of energy through research, demonstration, energy audits, regulation, building codes, and create a robust market for energy efficient appliances.
EE targets: 
Key performance indicator: 10% reduction (after growth adjustment) in the national electricity grid consumption by 2014.
EE action plans: 
Mandate the adoption of Minimum Energy Performance Standards and Labelling for refrigerators and freezers in Fiji. --- Key performance indicator: Energy Efficiency and Conservation Measures incorporated in the local building codes by 2011.
EE standards for appliances: 
Key performance indicator: All freezers and refrigerators sold in Fiji comply to the relevant adopted standards by 2010.
Renewable Energy
RE priorities: 
Assess and promote development of local renewable energy resource potential in Fiji.
RE targets: 
Key performance indicator: 30 biogas plants installed in rural areas every year.
RE prioritization, portfolio standards: 
Key performance indicator: Improvement in the national electricity mix from 40/60 renewables to fossil fuel to 90/10 for the grid and from 5/95 to 55/45 for off grid energy by 2012.
Biofuels obligation/mandate: 
Key indicator: 20% of fuel for transport is met through bio-fuel (E5 & B10), LPG and other renewable sources by 2012.
Cooperation in RE: 
Government will work closely with the World Bank to identify and implement small renewable energy projects around the country, particularly in the Northern division where off-grid schemes are more viable.
Energy-water nexus: 
[In order to achieve] Sustainable development and management of mineral and groundwater resources to ensure long term economic benefits for all, [a strategy consists in building] local capacity and institutional support for the exploration and development of other segments such as offshore mineral, gas, geothermal energy [...].
Cooperation in env.: 
Strengthen coordination and consultation with key stakeholders and the external environment on energy development (issues with regards to Climate Change, CDM, Renewable Energy Technology Transfer etc.)
Energy Supply and Infrastructure
Infrastructure development priorities: 
Develop and implement a national electrification master plan covering both grid and stand–alone systems with appropriate resources.
Cooperation in connectivity: 
Government will work closely with the World Bank to identify and implement small renewable energy projects around the country, particularly in the Northern division where off-grid schemes are more viable.
Energy sector investment priorities: 
FEA hopes that all these additional national investments in renewable energy sources (hydro, geothermal, wind, biomass and municipal waste) will assist in the accomplishment of its goal of 90% renewable energy by 2011.
Public Private Partnerships: 
Greater collaboration within the industry and with other sectors and strengthen private sector involvement in all forms of energy, including review of tariffs, cost recovery and competition in energy production.
Деятельность органов власти
Energy management principles: 
Establish a reliable energy information system for end use decision making at all levels. --- Strengthen coordination and consultation with key stakeholders and the external environment on energy development (issues with regards to Climate Change, CDM, Renewable Energy Technology Transfer etc.). --- Assess Fiji‘s energy security situation to guide future policy decisions.---Encourage competition in the generation of energy.
National policy structure: 
Enact/enforce appropriate legislation to improve sustainable energy use, including the National Energy Policy (NEP) and Renewable Energy Based Rural Electrification Act (to be remove).
Energy institutional structures: 
[In order to obtain a] resource efficient, cost effective and environmentally sustainable energy sector, [strategies include the] formation of an appropriate independent regulatory agency and review the Electricity Act.
Coordination with regional energy associations: 
Key performance indicator: A vibrant network with energy institutions locally and internationally.
M&E of policy implementation: 
Monitor customer satisfaction on national grid power availability and other appropriate aspects of service delivery. --- Key performance indicator: Report on Fiji‘s Energy Security Situation to be completed in 2010; and recommendations adopted.
Statistics collection and management: 
Key performance indicator: An up-to-date and reliable energy statistics and a user friendly information system by 2010.
Public database availability: 
Key performance indicator: An up-to-date and reliable energy statistics and a user friendly information system by 2010.