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Energy, Power, Multi-Sector
Виды энергоресурсов: 
Power, Renewable, Hydropower, Solar, Wind, Other
Ministry of Strategic Planning, National Development and Statistics
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Сводный обзор: 
This Framework supports and complements the 2010-2014 Roadmap for Democracy and Sustainable Socio-Economic Development. The Roadmap and this Green Growth Framework share the same vision: A Better Fiji for All. Green Growth Framework is intended to provide an opportunity in which everyone, government, non government, the private sector, faith-based organisations, academia, the media, urban and rural communities and individuals alike can identify the role they must each play in the pursuit of sustainable development. As such it is based on three pillars: 1) Environment Pillar: (i) Building Resilience to Climate Change and Disasters; (ii) Waste Management; (iii) Sustainable Island and Ocean Resources. 2) Social Pillar: (iv) Inclusive Social Development; (v) Food Security; (vi) Freshwater Resources and Sanitation Management; 3) Economic Pillar: (vii) Energy Security; (viii) Sustainable Transportation; (ix) Technology and Innovation; and (x) Greening Tourism and Manufacturing Industries.
Energy access priorities: 
[P]rovide all Fijians with access to affordable and reliable modern energy services
Energy access action plan: 
Short Term (up to 2 years) • Develop a national electrification master plan, showing how each unelectrified area of Fiji will be served with least cost solutions. • Review of the Rural Electrification Policy.---Medium Term (3 to 5 years)• Establish a framework for encouraging off-grid rural electrification projects by non government providers, including community based organisations, social service providers (schools, health centres), non government organisations and the private sector.
Energy access targets: 
Medium Term (3 to 5 years) • 100% of the population to have access to electricity by 2020 from the current 90% (2014).
Clean cooking solutions: 
Short Term (up to 2 years): • Continue to increase public education and awareness of energy efficiency by providing information to end users on the range of energy saving technologies and options available, in particular for cooking.
Приоритеты ЭЭ: 
[T]o increase the efficiency of energy use, in particular through the utilisation of indigenous energy sources in order to reduce the financial burden and insecurity of energy imports.
EE targets: 
Long Term (over 5 years): • Reduce Fiji's dependence on imported fossil fuel for transportation which is using around 42% (2010) of final energy consumption, to around 32% by 2020 and 22% by 2030.
EE action plans: 
Medium Term (3 to 5 years): • Improve energy efficiency of farms by encouraging use of solar, biogas or biomass by 2019.---Short Term (up to 2 years): [...]• Extend the current system of energy labelling and minimum energy efficiency standards (including those in the Environmental Management Act 2005) to all widely imported electrical appliances and industrial equipment that contribute substantially to energy demand.---Short Term (up to 2 years): • Develop and implement an energy information database, so that demand side data is collected and analysed and a verifiable data trail is created to document real and potential energy savings. [...] Promote energy efficiency in the public sector, as a platform for demonstrating the feasibility of energy efficiency projects.---Medium Term (3 to 5 years) • Encourage supply side efficiency, for example replacing old machines/power generators that are not performing efficiently compared with new efficient ones.
EE labeling: 
Short Term (up to 2 years): [...]• Extend the current system of energy labelling and minimum energy efficiency standards (including those in the Environmental Management Act 2005) to all widely imported electrical appliances and industrial equipment that contribute substantially to energy demand.
EE building standards: 
Medium Term (3 to 5 years): Construct energy efficient buildings to demonstrate and promote the awareness on the initiative. Update the codes and standards for buildings and industry to provide among others minimum standards for energy use for ventilation, cooling and lighting and will be regularly reviewed in response to new research, building practices and technologies.
EE transport standards : 
Short Term (up to 2 years) • Promote fuel efficiency of imported motor vehicles to reduce petroleum consumption. [...] Local industry to comply with Euro 4 fuel standards including setting up of relevant infrastructure and review of the fuel prices, while at the same time exploring the possibility to move towards cleaner and higher fuel standards in the future. Promote the fuel efficiency of the existing motor vehicle fleet, including promoting fuel efficient driving practices, through information campaigns and driver training, and by improving the enforcement of vehicle maintenance and maximum axel weight standards.---Medium Term (3 to 5 years) • Introduction of Euro 4 fuel and vehicles • Regular review of fuel and vehicle standards and compliance with international standards.---Medium Term (3 to 5 years): • Develop necessary standards for the use of other forms of alternative fuel for land transport industry.
EE financial incentives: 
Short Term (up to 2 years): • Provide financing including economic incentives to increase energy efficiency and decrease energy intensity.
EE public awareness/promotional programmes: 
Strengthen village bylaws to streamline environment education, improved production and consumption patterns, adopt [...] energy efficiency. Short Term (up to 2 years).---Short Term (up to 2 years): • Continue to increase public education and awareness of energy efficiency by providing information to end users on the range of energy saving technologies and options available, in particular for cooking. [...] Promote energy efficiency in the public sector, as a platform for demonstrating the feasibility of energy efficiency projects. • Support voluntary efforts by the business community to improve energy efficiency including public recognition of best performers, providing information on potential measures, dissemination of best practice and encouraging development partner energy efficiency programmes.---Medium Term (3 to 5 years): Construct energy efficient buildings to demonstrate and promote the awareness on the initiative.
Cooperation in EE: 
Short Term (up to 2 years): Explore possibility of bulk procurement of Euro 4 fuel with other Pacific island countries to obtain more favourable fuel prices.
Renewable Energy
RE targets: 
Renewable energy share in electricity generation to be around 99% by 2030 from the 61% in 2013.
RE action plans: 
Medium Term (3 to 5 years): • Improve energy efficiency of farms by encouraging use of solar, biogas or biomass by 2019.---Short Term (up to 2 years): • Investment into more renewable energy projects which are feasible in Fiji such as solar (stand alone, solar farm, photovoltaic grid connected), biofuel, wind, micro hydro projects and biogas power generation (agricultural wastes).---Short Term (up to 2 years): Purchase of a renewable energy vessel through a partnership between Government Shipping Services and the private sector investors in close consultation with interested communities.
Biofuels obligation/mandate: 
Short Term (up to 2 years) • Develop a National Biofuel Strategy Framework which will provide an overarching policy framework for the biofuel industry in Fiji. • Review of current biofuel standards (in particular to allow triglyceride blends for diesel engines) to facilitate the more economic development of indigenous biofuel resources such as coconut oil.---Medium Term (3 to 5 years) • Formulation of a Biofuel Act. • Implementation of a major ethanol project.---Short Term (up to 2 years) • Increase development and use of biofuels for the land transport industry.
RE capital subsidy, grant, or rebate: 
Short term (up to 2 years): Explore technology options and economic incentives for improving efficient[...]use of renewable energy technologies for desalination plants in remote locations.---Short Term (up to 2 years): Establish economically justified feed in tariffs or pricing framework (price differential system) through a study to give incentives for production of energy from various renewable energy sources.---Medium Term (3 to 5 years): • Incorporate incentives for trialing and adoption of low carbon technologies for domestic shipping in relevant strategies, policies and plans.
Cooperation in RE: 
Long Term (over 5 years) • South-South cooperation with other countries to acquire technical expertise on the development of biofuel industry.
Energy environmental priorities: 
[E]stablish environmentally sound and sustainable systems for energy production, procurement, transportation, distribution and end use.
Pollution control action plans: 
-Medium Term (3 to 5 years) • Introduction of Euro 4 fuel and vehicles.---Short Term (up to 2 years) • Explore and invest in low carbon vehicles like electric cars and hybrid vehicles.---Short Term (up to 2 years): Explore opportunities on cycling lanes in major urban areas, opportunities for other means of transportation in rural areas and encouraging car pooling schemes. Develop appropriate traffic management plans for major urban centers such as Suva and Lautoka to [...] reduce vehicle emissions,[...].---Short Term (up to 2 years): Multimodal transport: • Strengthen enforcement on operators to minimise environmental degradation and pollution.
Decarbonization strategy: 
Short Term (up to 2 years) Support initiatives that assist in the transition to a low carbon sea transport future such as the Oceania Centre for Sustainable Transport.---Medium Term (3 to 5 years): • Incorporate incentives for trialing and adoption of low carbon technologies for domestic shipping in relevant strategies, policies and plans.
Energy-water nexus: 
Short term (up to 2 years): Explore technology options and economic incentives for improving efficient[...]use of renewable energy technologies for desalination plants in remote locations.
Energy pricing: 
Short Term (up to 2 years): Establish economically justified feed in tariffs or pricing framework (price differential system) through a study to give incentives for production of energy from various renewable energy sources.
Cooperation in energy pricing: 
Short Term (up to 2 years): Explore possibility of bulk procurement of Euro 4 fuel with other Pacific island countries to obtain more favourable fuel prices.
Energy sector investment priorities: 
Short Term (up to 2 years): • Investment into more renewable energy projects which are feasible in Fiji such as solar (stand alone, solar farm, photovoltaic grid connected), biofuel, wind, micro hydro projects and biogas power generation (agricultural wastes). [...]Short Term (up to 2 years) [...] • Explore whether use of renewable energy could be considered a part of the approval process for new investments.
Independent power producers: 
Short Term (up to 2 years): • Undertake a study to develop an Independent Power Producer (IPP) framework which addresses the issue of intermittent supply of power from IPPs.---Medium Term (3 to 5 years): • Establish a transparent process for procurement of new large scale capacity from IPPs, pricing and other principles to be applied in all new power purchase agreements and grid connection standards.---Medium Term (3 to 5 years)• Establish a framework for encouraging off-grid rural electrification projects by non government providers, including community based organisations, social service providers (schools, health centres), non government organisations and the private sector.
Investment climate development: 
Long Term (over 5 years): • Strengthen the enabling environment for energy service companies to undertake and finance public and private sector energy efficiency projects.
Public Private Partnerships: 
Long Term (over 5 years): • Strengthen the enabling environment for energy service companies to undertake and finance public and private sector energy efficiency projects.---Short Term (up to 2 years): Purchase of a renewable energy vessel through a partnership between Government Shipping Services and the private sector investors in close consultation with interested communities.
Деятельность органов власти
Energy management principles: 
Medium Term (3 to 5 years) • Improve the effectiveness and sustainability of the existing management models for off grid rural electrification including Renewable Energy Service Companies and community cooperatives being used to provide electricity to isolated communities and areas not served by the Fiji Electricity Authority.---Long Term (over 5 years) • Diversify the current energy mix through the use of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) and Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) in the industrial, land transport and domestic sectors.
National policy structure: 
Short Term (up to 2 years) • Review of the Rural Electrification Policy.
Energy institutional structures: 
Short Term (up to 2 years): • Expedite the current reform of the industry and shift the regulatory role from Fiji Electricity Authority to Department of Energy.
Statistics collection and management: 
Short Term (up to 2 years): • Develop and implement an energy information database, so that demand side data is collected and analysed and a verifiable data trail is created to document real and potential energy savings.
Clean energy technology priorities: 
Short term (up to 2 years): Explore technology options and economic incentives for improving efficient[...]use of renewable energy technologies for desalination plants in remote locations.
Clean energy technology deployment: 
Medium Term (3 to 5 years) • Promote and improve guidelines and technical standards for renewable energy technologies.----Long Term (over 5 years) • Continue research and development for energy from possible hydro carbon resources and hydrogen fuel cells.
Natural gas transportation technology: 
-Long Term (over 5 years) • Diversify the current energy mix through the use of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) and Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) in the industrial, land transport and domestic sectors.
R&D renewable energy: 
Short Term (up to 2 years): • Continued research and development in the area of new renewable energy technologies, including further exploration of ocean energy, geothermal energy, wave energy and generation of energy from waste.
Technology collaboration with other member States: 
Long Term (over 5 years) • South-South cooperation with other countries to acquire technical expertise on the development of biofuel industry.